Thanks to Zello ❤️ from Malaysia ( 🇲🇾 )

Zello, our beloved app
In our hearts, you hold a special place
You've connected us together
In a way that's truly grace

We hail from Malaysia, a land so diverse
But with you, we've found a way to converse
From north to south, east to west
Zello, with you, we feel blessed

Thanks to your teams who work so hard
To ensure that we can communicate
From the busy city streets
To the rural areas so great

With your user-friendly interface
And features that resonate
Our Zello experience has been sublime
Crossing boundaries and breaking down the divide

Allowing us to share our thoughts and dreams
Connecting us in ways we've never seen
So here we are, expressing our gratitude
For all that you've done to bring us close

To our friends and family, far and wide
Zello, thank you for being our guide
We'll continue to use your app with pride
As we explore this world far and wide

But one thing's for sure, we'll always reminisce
About the moments you've allowed us to relish
From the bottom of our hearts, we say once more
Zello, thank you, for connecting us all.

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